Tuesday, 8 December 2015

First Book Club Reading

This past two and a half weeks have been crazy. I have had six events in 18 days, five craft shows and my first book club reading and discussion. The craft shows / bazaars were a lot of fun, I met a lot of great people and got to introduce Supernaturally Yours to so many unsuspecting folks. I also managed to reduce some of my immense Christmas shopping list.

The reading at the Paranormal Book Club went so much better than I ever could have expected. I am not much of a public speaker but found the women to be so open and friendly that I felt at home. They had a number of great questions and comments that made me start to get excited about the world of Supernaturally Yours again. It was one of the most gratifying things, hearing the enjoyment and yes, even tears, my book has brought people to. That's the end goal, to have readers who not only read your novel but enjoy it. The one lady told me she was brought to tears and cursing me when I killed off a certain character (don't worry I won't tell you who dies - no spoilers here.) I loved that.

It's one of those things, writing is a solitary experience. I'm alone in my world for so long, trying to coax my muse to giving up the words that I need to express what is happening inside my head. I know how much I like the characters, how much I like the world but there is always a niggling of doubt about whether my words have translated the emotions, the actions and the feel that I am going for. I've written extensively here on my blog before about self doubt and how hard it can be, so I won't go any further on that subject. It was wonderful hearing from a stranger how I touched them enough to bring tears to the forefront.

Now that my crazy couple of weeks are done I can try to focus on Christmas and getting all the multitude of crafts that I have planned done (hehehe, don't tell Mr. Gloria but I made an unfortunate trip to the craft / dollar store and am fully stocked with ideas) wrap my gifts and maybe spend a bit of time with my family.

Although, I might have to start writing, my muse has been reactivated by all the discussion and the last few nights I can barely sleep thinking about my next main gal. Hmm. Too many ideas. Let's see where this takes me...

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