Saturday, 26 December 2015

Ho Ho Ho!

It’s Boxing Day and I am sitting wrapped up in my onesie with a tea, fingers traipsing across the keyboard as I continue to work away. I’ve taken a little break from my current WIP (work in progress) to post a little update. And maybe to ramble a bit (I have been known to do that once in a while).

First things first the update, I got my new artwork for the cover of Liquid Fire (Yaah!) And here it is:

I thought I’d share the blurb for Liquid Fire as well, just so everyone knows what it is about:

Liquid Fire
Everyone remembers their childhood as being magical, Lee just found out hers really was.
After suffering a run of bad luck, Lee wants nothing more than to lick the wounds of her past and bury herself away from reality, but she discovers a world of magic, a history she never realized existed. Her destined elementals are being held against their will and the only way to find them is to align with the incredibly delectable, unbelievably stubborn Jeremy. They wind down pathways that will take their undeniable chemistry even higher as they move closer to the sinister plot that has stolen her birthright. Together they will find the villain and learn that sometimes fire and water can mix with steamy, hot results.
A spark of flame glows, A sprinkle of rain slows….

Woohoo. I am thrilled with the cover art, Cora, my cover designer did a fantabulous job capturing the spirit of both Lee and Jeremy as well as the overall feel of the book. Liquid Fire’s release date is February 9th 2016, and is available for preorder now. If you preorder from Amazon, you can get a great deal (sale ends on release date so I would definitely recommend preordering it and saving some $$$ or if you really like me you could order more than one copy at the sale price still save some money and help me out in the process.) Here’s the link to my publishers website where you can click on your preferred link to buy as well as read an excerpt.

So besides fighting through the edits and excitement of new book artwork and release dates, I’ve been quite busy. (I did some crafting for Christmas gifts and a reduced version of my usual Christmas baking – I only made 55 dozen cookies this year instead of the usual 120 dozen, I’ve been keeping busy.

After my great talk and reading with the local paranormal book club my muse decided to whack me upside the head with the next book in that series. So I’ve been furiously typing away at Reta’s story. If you read Supernaturally Yours you will remember Reta. She was Nathan’s partner at the Enforcement agency and a werewolf. So far she’s been a lot of fun to write, more than I thought, she has hidden depths that one wouldn’t have expected.

I’ve also just finished up writing what I’ve tentatively titled ‘Three times the Charm’ a novel for the Wiccan Haus series, by Dominique Eastwick. I finished up with the beta readers and all the initial edits and sent that one off to the publishers. Now fingers are crossed with that one as I wait to hear back.

The Christmas celebrations start for me on Xmas eve night. My baby sister and her hubby, along with my bio dad come over for dinner. We had a spread that was way too much food for the seven of us. My brother in law finally got to immigrate to Canada so it was his first Christmas here in something like four years so it was great to have him back. We laughed like hyenas as we played cards against humanity. If you haven’t heard of the game yet, look it up. It is a migraine inducing, laughing all night horrible game for horrible people. And we loved it.

Yesterday I got to spend Christmas with my family, Mr. Gloria, thing one and thing two and I spent the morning together just chilling. Them being teenagers definitely puts a different spin on what Christmas morning looks like. It was more relaxed (hell we slept in until after nine) but the excitement was definitely there. I love seeing their faces filled with joy and happiness. There were no fights no arguments and it was wonderful. Spike (my Cockapoo) even loved his gift. In the afternoon we went to my sister’s madhouse. She has three little ones ranging in age from eight to two, and my brother and his wife brought the newest addition a beautiful little girl who is four months old. Add in my clan and my dad and we have a loud, rambunctious bunch. Dinner was tasty and fun. We laughed and opened gifts and had an ear splittingly, thunderous good time.

After dinner we came home and concluded our celebrations with the annual viewing of Die Hard, the best Christmas movie in existence. Today we head up to Mr. Gloria’s family for the celebrations there. Whew. I get tired just thinking about all the running. I love it though. I love seeing family and friends and catching up.

I sincerely hope that everyone out there had time to spend with those closest to them and took a moment to look up at the sky and be thankful for what we do have. Tomorrow is soon enough to think about what we don’t have or what is missing, for now focus on the good. Focus on the here and now. Love the tribe you surround yourself with and enjoy them and the little moments. They are what counts in the end.

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